Thursday, August 22, 2013


This blog post is a couple weeks late because my iPhone wasn't uploading my pictures. Now it's decided to cooperate so I am posting pictures from my mini trip to Chichester.

I went with a family who lives down the street to watch their little girl while they went sailing on the English seaside. It was such a beautiful little town. Here are some pictures of my first trip to the "beach" of England. :)

The "beach" (more like a swamp!)

The Sailing Club we stayed quiant!


I love this house!

The town's church that was built in the 1700's.

Monday, August 12, 2013

feels so good

I am FINALLY finished with my dissertation! It feels reaaaaal good to say those words! After months of reading, writing, editing, planning, etc, I finished my final copy of my 61 page dissertation on Saturday evening. After I finished, I enjoyed a fun night out!

This Wednesday, Adam and I are heading to the Algarve in Portugal for 6 nights. I am very excited about having a week in the beach where we can just relax and enjoy the sunshine. Friends keep asking what we have planning and it feels wonderful to say NOTHING!

I'll be back in a little over a week with beach pictures...prepare yourself to be jealous! ;)

Sending lots of love,