Sunday, December 16, 2012

what being a teacher means to me

Being a teacher is such a blessing. There are many people out there who don't give teachers the credit they deserve. Many teachers shape the future of this world, teach children right from wrong, and give them love that they don't always receive from other adults. After hearing the terrible news of what happened at Sandy Hook on Friday, I couldn't help but take a step back and think about how those teachers must have felt. As a teacher (especially to young children) you are in many ways their mother. You zip their coats, wipe their tears, give them hugs, encourage them, reprimand them, help them with friendships, teach them responsibility, and give them love.

Its truly sad that their have been several people over the years who have come into a school and ruined this precious place that is meant to be safe, full of love, and learning. My heart breaks for the children whose lives ended too soon on Friday, but also for the teachers who dedicated their lives to this profession. I pray that this needless killing will stop. I pray that people will learn that killing one another won't solve any problems. But most of all, I pray that love will prevail after tragedy.


Tuesday, December 11, 2012

the most wonderful time of the year

It's a beautiful, very cold day here in London. I'm sitting at Starbucks right now, doing a little reading for class and having a tea, and thinking about how ready I am to be home in 9 days. This is my last week of classes at my university and I'm busy going to class and meetings and getting things wrapped up for the end of term. I'm working two and a half days this week and a couple days next week. Then I'm heading back next Thursday for 7 whole days in North Carolina. I am simply ecstatic! :)

These last three months have truly been an indescribable experience. Almost every day, I think about how happy I am (and how proud I am) that I came here to have this amazing adventure. It has certainly been hard at times; especially at the beginning when I cried every day because I missed my family and friends. And even though I still miss them every single day, I'd like to think I've grown up a bit and become braver since I've been here.

These last couple weeks have been especially frustrating and I've really just had to learn to let go. I still have NO internet at my flat (I ordered internet two months ago). It's a long story and I won't go into it on here, but it's absolutely ridiculous that I don't have it yet. The antenna for my TV must have blown over on my roof a couple weeks ago because it's barely been working. My management company (the people who do maintenance at my flat) haven't repaired it yet but are "working on it". I don't mean to sound like I'm complaining but these are just a few examples of things I've just had to "let go" of. I think if these things had happened to me a year ago, I would've had a nervous break down. But this year has taught me so much about being able to just take a deep breath and move on.

I better get back to my reading! There is a ridiculously cute baby sitting across from me (with her daddy) right now so I'm sure I'll be distracted until they leave!

Lots and lots of love from London,