Christmas Eve was a rainy, relaxing day. Adam and I had lunch with my cousin, Emily and ran a couple of errands before heading to church with my mom and dad for Christmas eve service. We had an amazing dinner of steak and potatoes, and proceeded to snuggle on the big chair and watch movies for the rest of the night. We were excited for the next day and spending lots of time with family!
We woke up on Christmas morning and put on our Christmas jumpers. We went downstairs to find my mom already sporting hers! We relaxed, just the 4 of us, and drank coffee and ate cinnamon rolls (my favorite tradition) until my sister Ashley arrived with her husband and my niece and nephew. Then we were ready to open some presents! This Christmas day was a little different from all the other ones…as most of my family had the flu over the holidays, we spent it at my mom and dad's. We were a small group but it was really nice to have no place to be and nothing to do! We made 'ninja-bread' cookies, we had a delicious dinner, we spent time with my aunts and cousin who came over later that night. It was wonderful!

The day after Christmas was round two as my little sister, Megan and her boyfriend Brent weren't able to be with us on Christmas day. So they arrived that morning, my older sister and her clan came around too, and we opened presents with them! There were more cinnamon rolls, more coffee, more Christmas music. It was so nice! That night, me, Adam, Megan and Brent went over to my friend Ashli's for a little post-Christmas party. We ended up going out in Downtown Charlotte and having a blast!
On Saturday, we were feeling pretty fragile but we had a busy day ahead! We had breakfast with two of my best friends from high school, Laura and Megan. We had a yummy lunch at Cantina 1511 (my fav!) later that afternoon. And then that night we did a triple date with my two sisters and their significant others at Tupelo Honey Cafe and VBGB.
On Sunday, my mom's side of the family had finally recovered from the flu, so they all came over and we celebrated Christmas together!
We got a little break from all the business on Monday so we relaxed during the day! That night, Ashley and her family took us to East Coast Wings so Adam could get the chicken wings he had been asking for! They were so good and we were feeling really satisfied afterwards!
On Tuesday, we were off to Asheville, North Carolina to visit the Biltmore Estate. It was gorgeous - the Christmas trees and decorations were beautiful and it was a nice, cold day in the mountains. We spent all day exploring the estate and went to dinner at Early Girl Eatery in downtown that evening.

On Wednesday, Adam and I went up to Raleigh to spend New Year's Eve with Megan and Brent! We had dinner at The Pit and then went to a NYE party at The Junction and Deep South in downtown. It was a really fun night!
We came back to Charlotte on Thursday and spent our last day with family.
It was very hard to say goodbye when mom and dad dropped us off at Charlotte-Douglas airport. It was hard to believe how quickly 3 weeks went by! We had a wonderful time and once again, it was a reminder of how incredibly lucky I am to have such a supportive and loving family. This year was even more special because Adam was there to spend time with our clan.
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