Let me start by saying that I love getting messages and emails from people who say "I read your blog and I love it!" I'm always SHOCKED that people are interested in what I have to say. But then I remember that I am a small town girl living in a huge city…that I came here to experience an incredible adventure and I am so lucky for it! Thank you to everyone who reads my blog and I hope you continue to do so. I'm not going to stop writing as long as people are saying they like it!
Here's how the LEIBSTER works…
1. Mention the blog that nominated you in your post.
2. Nominate another blogger with less than 200 followers.
3. Answer the questions.
4. Make new questions for the person you nominated!
Here's the questions Alex asked…
1. Why did you start blogging?
2. What do you love about blogging? 3. If you could move anywhere in the world, where would it be? Why?
4. What is your earliest memory?
5. What do you hate about blogging?
6. What website do you spend the most time on?
7. What can you not leave home without?
8. Describe yourself in one word. 9. What was/would be your first dance wedding song?
10. Tell me something funny that happened to you.
11. What is the best piece of advice you've been given/found?
And here are my answers…
1. Why did I start blogging? I started blogging for a lot of reasons actually. I love writing; always have and always will. I also love reading. Before I moved to London, I had gotten off of Facebook so I thought starting a blog would be a great way for my friends and family back home to see what I was up to!
2. What do I love about blogging? I love going back and seeing all the places I've been and things I've done over the last 18 months. I also love reading about the journey of moving here, finding a job, finding a flat, meeting new friends, having a wonderful relationship, missing my friends and family…
3. If I could move anywhere in the world, where would it be? Why? I am a beach girl, for sure. I loved living in Wilmington, NC during college and being able to go to the beach whenever I wanted. Eventually I would love to go back to the beaches of NC and live there again. But for now, I'm happy with being in London.
4. What is my earliest memory? I remember the day my younger sister was born. I was only 3 and we went to the hospital to see her. I was with my grandparents and older sister Ashley.
5. What do I hate about blogging? I actually love blogging! But if I had to pick one thing that annoyed me it would probably be trying to make my blog look pretty. I feel like I constantly want to change the fonts and backgrounds and pictures but I try to resist the temptation.
6. What website do I spend the most time on? Pinterest, definitely. Because I'm a teacher I get so many good ideas off of there.
7. What can I not leave home without? Two things - my iPhone and my Burt's Bees chapstick.
8. Describe yourself in one word. Ridiculous. I try to tone it down on my blog so you would never know it if you didn't know me personally. But I get told on a daily basis that I am ridiculous. I love it!
9. What was/would be my first dance wedding song? Well when I got married, our first dance song was James Taylor's "How Sweet It Is (to be loved by you)". I love that song. BUT as I am no longer married and don't plan to be anytime in the near future, I can't answer that question honestly!
10. Tell something funny that happened to me. Oh this is tough! Funny things happen to me all the time. I think because of my personality, people feel that they can say or do anything in front of me and it makes for some very funny stories! In an effort to not embarrass myself, or any of my friends/family, I'll skip this question. ;)
11. What is the best piece of advice I've been given/found? A couple years ago, before moving to London, I was in a very sad place in my life. I was going through a divorce (something that I never thought would happen) and I had cervical cancer. My friends and family were so incredibly supportive and loving during such a difficult time in my life. I was told on a daily basis to "be true to myself". I've done that ever since then and I am a happier person for it.
Now for the nomination! I nominate my Aunt Sonya who has a wonderful blog about her life with 3 adopted children (my sweet and adorable cousins) and her crazy husband! :) Here's the link.
Answer these questions and enjoy!
1. Why did you start blogging?
2. What do you love about blogging? 3. If you could move anywhere in the world, where would it be? Why?
4. What is your earliest memory?
5. What do you hate about blogging?
6. What blog do you spend the most time on?
7. What can you not leave home without?
8. Describe yourself in one word. 9. What would be your dream job?
10. Tell me about your most embarrassing moment.
11. What is the best piece of advice you've been given?
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